
Alex Proyas äußert sich zum Crow-Reboot

verfasst am 6.Dezember 2017 von Markus Haage

Alex Proyas, Regisseur von „The Crow“ und „Dark City“, hat ein öffentliches Statement abgegeben, warum er denkt, dass man das Graphic Novel „The Crow“ nicht neu verfilmen sollte. Hier der Text in voller Länge:


I was privileged to know Brandon Lee – he was a young, immensely gifted actor with a great sense of humour and a bright future ahead of him. I was also privileged to have been able to call him a friend. Our working relationship as actor/director went beyond mere collaboration. We crafted a movie together which has touched many people.

I did not take a “film by” credit on THE CROW. I wanted it to be Brandon’s movie, because it was, and because he would not be able to make any more movies. He brought all his passion to the movie and it has lasted as his legacy. It is a film I know he would have been proud of.

I finished the film for Brandon – struggling through grief, along with the hugely supportive cast & crew who all loved Brandon, to complete it in his absence. We were imbued with the strength of Brandon’s spirit and his inspiration. Not only Brandon’s wonderful work as an actor and a film-maker, but as a man, who’s humanity had touched us.

THE CROW would not be a movie worth “remaking” if it wasn’t for Brandon Lee. If it wasn’t for Brandon you may never have even heard of this poignant little underground comic. It is Brandon’s movie. I believe it is a special case where Hollywood should just let it remain a testament to a man’s immense talent and ultimate sacrifice – and not have others re-write that story or add to it. I know sequels were made, and TV shows, and what have you, but the notion of “rebooting” this story, and the original character – a character Brandon gave life to at too high a cost – seems wrong to me.

Please let this remain Brandon’s film.

Markus Haage

Über Markus Haage 2290 Artikel
Mein Name ist Markus Haage, Chefredakteur und Herausgeber vom Neon Zombie-Magazin. Es gibt nicht sonderlich viel spektakuläres über mich zu erzählen. Ich führe ein sehr langweiliges Leben. Aber falls es doch jemanden interessiert, freue ich mich immer über einen Besuch meiner Website www.markus-haage.de! Danke im Voraus!